What and who ‘The Great Life’ is.

The Great Life
2 min readNov 27, 2016

Choosing a username questions — who do you want to be online? Who are you? Firstly, a minimum of 3 characters and restricted from special characters (even the hyphen). What you want to be called also has to be available, you’re not so unique anymore. ‘Sxi_minx’ is no longer appropriate anymore at 26, even though at 13 years old (¯`·._.· it was sooo cooool ·._.·´¯) and MSN acceptable.

So what’s The Great Life? It’s not a guide for how to live a great life. It’s not as narcissistic as it sounds either, it’s basically a little bit of whit and perhaps sarcasm, with definite innocence from the brighter side of a quarter-life crisis. Life can be so difficult and confusing at times, and I felt this for two years. In my personal blog I used to write about sadness, confusion (maybe heartbreak, quite often that it was too often), and I didn’t know what I wanted my life to be. I didn’t feel at all fulfilled. Though, I was very appreciative and understood what I had already, it was a confusing balance and time.

The Great Life is about life that has bypassed all the confusion, all done over time because the only person to wipe all that away is yourself. And I did this. To write publicly now, for me, is an achievement of expression and confidence. I’m out of the dark navy Tumblr page, and onto the light of Medium — literally.

To live your own great life, I’ve learnt you have to do everything possible to make it as great as you want it. For me, I love experiencing new things, and Berlin right now is all shiny new. New people, new work place, new home, a different language, a new experience on a whole. And what I’m actually afraid of is becoming unfulfilled again when things are not so new anymore. Unfulfilled may be a strong word, I mean, once I learn everything and live comfortably, things won’t be as new, as exciting and sparkly. But I hope that by some time I will just be in love with what I’ve learnt and experienced, and not always be in love with shiny, sparkly newness — I guess the things that don’t stay shiny and sparkly, instead become timeless and irreplaceable. I hope for that.

So, The Great Life is questionable and always asks questions, it’s life after (just one) crisis and it’s now about living consciously. It’s also not knowing what’s next because it’s down to yours truly to steer the wheel.

Living consciously is about taking control of your life, about thinking about your decisions rather than making them without thought, about having a life that we want rather than settling for the one that befalls us.

(Wake Up — article by Zen Habits).



The Great Life

From Leeds to London, Berlin and now Sydney, Australia. A something year old with stories of life lessons and experiences. Travel, design and self.